================================= ================================= Raden Muhammad Imam Blog: Symptoms of Esophageal Computer Spyware

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Symptoms of Esophageal Computer Spyware

If the computer begins to show the following symptoms, can be sure your computer has been in rasuki spyware.
1. Pop-up ads appear every time you connect to the Internet. Some spyware will bombard you with a variety of advertising pop-ups that have nothing to do with the site you're open. Pop ups can be a view porn sites or other junk sites.
2. Computer settings changed, but you can not restore it to its original state. If you see the default home page (or search engine) changes every time restart even if you changed the settings, to be sure spyware has berserang on your computer. Some spyware has the ability to change settings on the internet conection without the user knowing.
3. Internet browsers create additional components that appear at any time without being aware of when you install or download them. Spyware sometimes unite itself with the browser in the form of toolbar components. This section will continue to appear on the browser to the program in the uninstall.
4. Decreased computer performance when in use to run a regular program. Spyware is designed to track your computer activity and displays pop-ups that would drain the resources of your computer. Some spyware can even lead to errors and crashes in Windows suddenly.

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